Tactical Folding Knife training that teaches realistic tools for real world functional application
The Combat Tactical Folding Knife Course is a comprehensive one- day program that is designed to impart strong fundamental skill sets with a tactical folding knife when confronted with a violent situation. This is a complete principle based system of tactical folding knife for the purposes of teaching the participants what to do and how to do it when confronted by a violent attacker or a situation that escalates into violence.
Please note that this is NOT a martial art or self-defense program. It is a no-nonsense dynamic hands-on training program that will accelerate your level and skill with a tactical folding knife for street survival.
In this workshop we will impart some strong fundamental tactics, techniques and procedures that you can employ with a tactical folding knife when confronted with a violent or dangerous situation.
- Safety
- Introduction to Course
- Anatomy of the Folding Knife
- How to choose the right knife for you
- Tactical Principles
- Weapon retention
- Attack Typologies
- Carry and deployment options
- Pre-attack indicators
- Grips and Familiarization
- Presentation
- Guards
- Movement
- Footwork
- Understanding Range
- Defensive Timing
- Support / live hand
- Body Stress Response
- Stress conditioning
- Skills and Drills
- Legal Ramifications
- Q&A
- Certificate
- Close
You will need some type of protective eyeglasses or goggles, which can be purchased at a Home Depot, Lowes or hardware store inexpensively. The typical protective eye-wear is a clear pair of safety glasses or if you already wear glasses, a pair of safety goggles that go over your prescription eyeglasses.
The program fee includes a tactical folding training knife, which you will keep at the end of the course.
We suggest that you wear loose comfortable clothing and sneakers or rubber soled shoes. Since the tactical folding knife is an EDC (Everyday Carry) tool, we also suggest you wear some type of blue jeans or other similar type pants that you would normally wear on a day to day basis. You may want to bring an extra change of clothing for the program.
We suggest that you bring enough water or other fluids to hydrate and last you for the day of training. For snacks, you may bring whatever you like with an understanding that we will break for lunch for 45 minutes during the day. It will not be enough time to go out and have lunch outside and that is why we suggest you bring a bag lunch or snacks.
No. The program is open to men and women 18 years of age and older. For anyone younger than 18 years of age that wants to participate, you will need your parent or guardian to sign and date a release form.
The course requires a moderate fitness level for participants. It is a full day program and you will be moving around quite a bit during the training.