Our Maritime and Anti-Piracy Security division provides specialized consulting to support owners, crew and passengers for safer business and recreational operations in low to high risk regions.

TRSIG Team Specializes in:
- Anti-Piracy
- Hijacking
- Kidnap & Ransom
- Terrorism
- Criminal Opportunists
- Yacht Invasion
- Risk Analysis / Risk Management
Private yacht owners and their vessels are a soft target, which exposes you and your family and crew to a myriad of threats including kidnapping for ransom, hijacking, murder, theft, hostile surveillance and vandalism. Additionally, private yacht owners and crews face increased piracy threats around the globe, alarmingly even in popular ports in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Central and South America, South Pacific, in and around Asian ports of call, Maldives, Africa, Gulf of Aden and Arabic Sea.
Our maritime consultants address the vulnerabilities encountered by private vessels in regards to safety, criminal acts, acts of piracy and other hostile actions that the owner and crew may be exposed to, by employing a layered innovative security approach. Operating in full compliance with IMO regulations, Cantor Tactical in association with TRS International Group is well poised to mitigate the security risks associated with the changing maritime security environment to ensure your safe passage. We offer custom maritime security solutions tailored to the specific needs of the client.